Hi. If you're here, you probably want to know a bit about who I am, what I write about, and what you can expect from me.
Well, since you asked so nicely...
I'm Unique (just like everyone else)
I'm a consultant, scientist, instrument systems engineer, entrepreneur, financial strategist, professional writer, amateur photographer and artist, insanely avid reader (I've been known to finish 3 books a week), traveler (I've lived on three continents, and at least set foot on each of the other four, including Antarctica - that's me in the photo with the slopes of Mount Erebus in the background), and adopter of rescue dogs.
More details?
I'm a PhD physicist by education, training, and over 20 years of research work. Then I became what I call an "accidental entrepreneur"...
Business #1
After leaving academia, and following a brief stint at a small engineering services company, I started a one-man consultancy practice.
I help NASA with technical management of their investments today in astrophysics technologies that will enable the Hubbles and James Webbs of the next several decades (and while I posed with the James Webb Space Telescope, below, I had nothing to do with its development; but I'm still incredibly delighted to follow its incredible successes).
From time to time I support NASA projects as an instrument systems engineer. Occasionally, I help companies write grant and contract proposals for opportunities ranging from $75k to $500 million or more.
Business #2
A while back I figured that buying our own office space would save a lot of rent money for my wife's practice and my own. Since it wasn't much more, we bought a larger suite than we needed and we lease out the excess space to other professionals.
Business #3
Fast forward a few more years, and my wife asked me (again) to use what I'd learned building my businesses to help one of her colleagues analyze and decide on a business opportunity. I was happy to, and saved that colleague $18k/year.
My wife said I should do that as a business.
So I started another small practice, providing small-business finance coaching to solo professionals, which then expanded to address their personal finances too, encompassing what I call Financial Strategy.
More recently, I realized that what I loved most about this business was the writing, so I stopped coaching and continued writing.
Business #4
A while back, we moved from our lovely suburban home to our dream home. Instead of selling the previous house, we're renting it out. Moving from long-time renter to homeowner to landlord gives me a uniquely holistic perspective on the "rent-vs.-own" controversy.
What I Write About
When I moved to the US over 30 years ago, I owed more than I owned, and supporting a young family with two toddlers on a $31k salary was hard. My journey from that humble point to where I am today taught me many lessons that I'm happy to share. As part of my Financial Strategy business, I write incessantly about personal and small-business finance here on Medium as well as on Wealthtender, TherapyNotes, BareMetrics, MSN, and more.
What You Can Expect from My Writing
Expect clear, easy-to-understand, no-nonsense, often contrarian, sometimes humorous viewpoints on financial matters that affect your everyday life and your plans for a better future.
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