Opher Ganel
May 23, 2024


I used to be the production lead and editor of a pair of annual publications. The people whose reports made up the majority of the publications would generally submit their reports on time.

A few would reach out ahead of time and ask for an extension, which I always granted since I couldn't edit 40 reports in parallel anyway. However, some would simply run late, which was a pain.

I recall one particular case where the guy ran two months late (!) and I was running out of time. I arranged for him to receive an offical email saying that if I didn't receive his report within 48 hours, I would include in the publication a single page with his project title, his name, and in huge letters underneath those "No report submitted."

About 47 hours later I received his report with an apology for being "slightly late."



Opher Ganel
Opher Ganel

Written by Opher Ganel

Consultant | systems engineer | physicist | writer | avid reader | amateur photographer. I write about personal finance from an often contrarian point of view.

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