It's kind of naturally that way, not necessarily due to any nefarious intent.
When you start out, you haven't provided any value to society yet, so you have little money. If you want shelter, transportation, etc., does anyone owe it to you?
No. You aren't owed anything. Your parents may help, if they can and want to.
So, you can rent until you have enough to buy a home. That's what my parents did, it's what I did, and it's what my kids did/do.
As for the horrific $8037 annual interest you quote, keep in mind that 70% of that is mortgage interest, which you deduct from your taxes, and which is often little more than offset the reduction of the purchasing power of the dollars you owe, which is why prepaying your mortgage is financially silly (in most cases) unless you're refinancing it with a lower interest rate.
Remove that, and you're down to ~$2400/year or $200/month. Not great, but nowhere near as dramatic sounding.