Nice article Dessy John.
A couple of thoughts about what you wrote. First, if your salary is enough to provide for your needs and for setting aside 15% for retirement, then setting aside that 15% of a higher salary in a high cost area, and then moving to a lower cost area will leave you much better off than moving to a lower cost area while still working, and taking a significant pay cut.
Second, and a bit off the main topic, sales taxes are not preferable in general, because they are regressive rather than progressive. If you make $500,000 and spend $200,000 you pay taxes on 40% of your income. If you make $50,000 and have to spend it all, you pay taxes on 100% of your income.
Not everyone who spends every dime they make is being irresponsible. Most are simply not making enough to be able to set aside a large chunk of their income.