Opher Ganel
1 min readJan 25, 2019


Nice article that truly exemplifies why the answer to almost any personal finance question has to start with, “It depends.” That’s why it’s so fitting that it’s called personal finance, because the answer depends on your personal situation and goals.

In this example, the question is if it makes more sense to buy (or keep) a house than rent a place? It depends. If you’re considering buying, how long will you live there? If you’re already in the house, what’s the cost of selling it? What’s the real cost of the mortgage (after accounting for tax deductions, inflation, and the equity that builds up over time) and how does that compare to rent for a place where you’d be ok living? Can you afford the mortgage payment and still have enough to cover all other non-discretionary expenses, enough discretionary ones, and save for all your large financial goals? Etc.



Opher Ganel

Consultant | systems engineer | physicist | writer | avid reader | amateur photographer. I write about personal finance from an often contrarian point of view.