Thanks Martin.
Those (important) points actually were mentioned by one of the pros I quote: “Spouse’s longevity: If your SPOUSE has longevity and is healthy, consider delaying the larger of the two benefits. If your benefit is higher than your spouse’s, you should delay yours until 70, so your spouse can collect that higher benefit upon your death. Note that your spouse’s spousal benefits, while you’re still alive, don’t increase beyond your benefit at your FRA.”
However, since at least one knowledgeable reader missed it, I added the following:
“To clarify Lao’s second point (following a comment from Martin Cabina), if your expected benefits are more than double your spouse’s and you claim early, your spouse’s spousal benefits will decrease, as those are 50 percent of your benefits. Upon your death, if you’re the first to die, your spouse’s survivor benefits will equal the reduced benefits you had while alive.”