Your story is so true and genuine. Kudos.
I’m not an introvert, but I do have several small businesses with exactly one person in each company. Me. I simply don’t want (yet at least) the responsibility of keeping food on the table and a roof overhead for other people. So I get it.
I do have one business I’m currently developing, as a small business coach for professionals in private practice that might, someday, require me to hire people to scale up. But that’s years in the future, if ever.
To your point about people’s ideas about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs, it’s funny how people love talking about the huge overnight success of this or that business or entrepreneur, ignoring the 10, 15, 20, or more years it took them to get to the evening before that “overnight.”
It’s the same reason we love movies — everything from the start of a horrible problem, through the struggles, to the ultimate victory is all done in a couple of hours. How many people are willing to read a book that takes 10 hours to do the same, let alone investing 15 years of their life to live it?
So keep on doing what you enjoy, and writing about what you like writing about. I’ve found that at least some people like reading on Medium what I have to say about finances, both personal and business-related. So, I’d suggest not giving up on that area if you enjoy writing about it.